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Friday, May 29, 2009

Defective Pharmaceuticals in Mobile, Alabama

Defective pharmaceuticals or drugs have dangerous side effects that totally outweigh any benefits they may have for consumers. Defective pharmaceuticals are often released for consumption to the general public with the companies that manufacture them being well aware there are problems. Drug companies only have to add a warning label to allow the drug to be sold to an unsuspecting consumer.

The Food and Drug Administration adds to the problem in its failure to conduct timely research and screening of drugs. This lack of intervention often leads to the approval of defective drugs. Defective pharmaceutical consumption results in much pain and suffering and many lawsuits against pharmaceutical manufacturers with damages in the hundreds of millions of dollars paid to the victims.

The most common types of drugs found in the defective category are arthritis medications, cholesterol lowering medications, diet drugs, antidepressants and some vaccines. These defective drugs can cause liver and kidney damage, heart attack or stroke, depression and suicide.

If you are a resident of Mobile, Alabama or the surrounding area and you suspect you have been harmed by a defective drug, you should contact the Mobile, Alabama office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn about your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:10 PM

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