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Friday, May 29, 2009

Truck Accidents in Chicago, Illinois

There is no contest when an automobile is involved in an accident with an 80,000 pound truck. Truck accidents almost always result in devastating injuries and death for the occupants of the other vehicle involved.

The vast majority of truck accidents are the result of truck driver error. Speeding, driver fatigue in an effort to meet deadlines and driving long hours without sleep, contribute to many accidents involving trucks. A revealing statistic is that 94% of the occupants of the other vehicle involved in an accident with a truck are either injured or died.

Cases involving truck accidents are often complex because they involve a trucking company, not only the truck driver. With the trucking company comes a large legal staff employed to keep the companies losses at a minimum. The trucking company should be held responsible for your medical expenses, lost income and other expenses incurred due to the accident involving their truck and employee.

The Cochran Firm has the experience and knowledge to represent you in your fight for your legal rights against a large trucking firm. If you live in the Chicago, Illinois area and have been involved in an accident with a truck, please contact the Chicago, Illinois office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:59 AM

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