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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Emergency Room Medical Malpractice in San Jose, California

Many people are seen in emergency rooms because of myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) and appendicitis, two of the top five diseases or conditions associated with medical malpractice. It is no wonder than that emergency room visits generate a high rate of medical malpractice lawsuits. Nearly half of all medical malpractice incidents begin in an emergency room.

Some reasons why emergency rooms have such a high rate of medical malpractice lawsuits are they are overcrowded and understaffed, it is a high stress environment and the physicians are unfamiliar with their patient's history. Some staffers are inadequately trained, and mistakes are made with record keeping and medication administration.

Overcrowding and understaffing leads to failures to evaluate the patient in a timely manner, misdiagnoses, delayed diagnoses, laboratory errors and inappropriate medication administration.

Emergency room malpractice can lead to permanent impairment and even death. Compensation for your injuries can include damages for medical expenses, loss of wages, loss of future earning potential, long term care costs and funeral and burial expenses.

If you reside in San Jose, California and you or a family member has been the victim of medical malpractice, you should contact the San Jose, California office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn about your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 3:12 PM

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