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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

SUV Rollovers in Detroit, Michigan

A sports utility rollover accident occurs when the vehicle turns over on its side or roof usually as a result of turning sharply at a high rate of speed. All motor vehicles are capable of turning over, but sports utility vehicles with their high centers of gravity are prone to doing so at a much higher rate than other vehicles. High speeds and slick roadways can increase the probability of a rollover accident.

Rollover crashes are responsible for over 33% of motor vehicle accident fatalities. Over 10,000 Americans suffer fatal injuries annually because of rollover crashes. Many of the injured and dead suffered catastrophic injuries in the rollover crashes when the vehicle roofs collapsed.

Sports utility vehicles are three times more likely to rollover than other vehicles. Statistics show over 60% of fatalities in a sports utility crash involved a rollover. People involved in sports utility rollover accidents usually incur massive medical expenses, suffer lost wages and loss of future earning potential and in the event of a death, their survivors losses are emotional as well as financial.

If you live in Detroit, Michigan or the surrounding area, and you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a sports utility rollover accident, please contact the Detroit, Michigan office of The Cochran Firm today where an experienced sports utility vehicle rollover accident attorney can help you protect your legal rights with a no cost to you confidential consultation.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:11 AM

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