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Monday, June 29, 2009

Well-Known Pitchman, Billy Mays, Dead at Age 50

"Hi. Billy Mays Here." Many of us are familiar with product pitchman Billy Mays' opening line. His wife, Deborah, found her 50-year-old husband unresponsive Sunday morning, after going to bed Saturday night saying he didn’t feel well. He was later pronounced dead.

Earlier that day, Mays was hit on the head when an airplane he was on had a shaky landing at Tampa Bay's airport. Mays had experienced no symptoms following the landing and even reported the rocky landing to a television reporter for a local station.

Mays had no known medical injuries; however, linking his death to the landing of the plane and some kind of traumatic brain injury is purely speculation at this point.

U.S Airways has confirmed that Mays was on the flight that experienced a tire blow out upon landing and things started falling from the ceiling of the plane.

The incident is still under investigation.

In addition to his wife, Mays is survived by a three-year-old daughter and stepson, who is in 20's.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury and you feel you may have a valid legal claim, please contact the personal injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm, with offices nationwide, today.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:51 AM

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