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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against New York City Police Department

Two police officers encountered a psychiatric patient who was standing naked on top of a security gate waving around a light bulb. The two offices used a Taser stun-gun to incapacitate the patient after over 30 minutes of trying to coax him off the gate. The stun-gun caused the patient to fall 10 feet to the ground where he landed on his head and suffered fatal injuries.

The mother of the psychiatric patient filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the New York City Police Department and the two officers involved. This lawsuit claims that the officers used the stun-gun against the guidelines set by the police department. The guidelines state that a Taser stun-gun should not be used where someone could fall from a potentially dangerous elevated position.

Wrongful Death

Wrongful death cases usually occur when a person dies due to someone else's negligence. A wrongful death may occur in many situations including:

If you have lost a loved one due to another's negligence, please contact the wrongful death attorneys at the Cochran Firm's office in New York City today. You are entitled to compensation for your loss.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 2:49 PM

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