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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Defective Consumer Products in Chicago, Illinois

Every day consumers all over America use thousands of products, such as automobiles, household appliances, toys, lawn mowers, medications and medical devices, child car seats, pet foods, building supplies, the list is endless. At times these everyday products cause injuries and deaths even when used as the product was intended.

The investigation of and proof of product liability against the manufacturer of defective consumer products is the job of an experienced and highly trained product liability lawyer. A product liability lawyer can make sure you receive compensation for injuries suffered as a result of the use of a defective consumer product.

If you or a loved one has been affected by the use of a defective consumer product, it is important you consult a product liability lawyer without delay as there are time limits involved in filing a claim. The manufacturer, designer and the distributor of the defective consumer product involved must be held responsible. How else can we get these dangerous products off the market?

If you live in the Chicago, Illinois area and you or someone you care about was injured or killed because of the use of a defective product, please contact an experienced product liability lawyer at the Chicago, Illinois office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to make sure the people responsible are held liable and you obtain the compensation you are entitled to.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:05 PM

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