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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

NHTSA Research on Cell Phones and Car Accidents Stopped, Shelved

According to some research, cell phone use while driving is as dangerous as drunk driving. To confirm this risk and develop guidelines for effective practices that would prevent car accidents and save lives, researchers at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposed an ambitious long-term study of cell phone use while driving and its risks. However, the NHTSA decided not to pursue the research and was urged to stick to its mission of gathering safety data, rather than developing data and recommending guidelines for state laws that could save lives.

No one knows just how many accidents and wrongful deaths have been caused by cell phone distraction, but estimates say nearly 1000 deaths and 240,000 accidents may have been caused by cell phone distraction since 2002. Cell phone use in cars has grown, and with it, the risk of cell-phone-related car accidents. Research shows that drivers using a cell phone are four times more likely to crash than other drivers, comparable to someone with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08. A blood alcohol content level of 0.08 is considered illegal in all 50 states.

To reduce the risk of cell phone distraction causing accidents, many states have enacted laws requiring hands-free devices, but research does not show that hands-free devices offer significant safety benefits.

If you were involved in an accident with a driver talking on a cell phone, the auto accident injury lawyers at The Cochran Firm can help. Contact us today.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 3:22 PM

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