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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ER Medical Malpractice in Jackson, Mississippi

Emergency rooms across this country are under siege. The lack of adequate healthcare insurance is sending people flocking to emergency rooms to seek medical care for every conceivable ailment. This influx of patients with mostly non-emergency medical problems, puts those truly in need of emergency medical care in jeopardy.

Emergency rooms are overcrowded and understaffed and this leaves the door open for medical errors to be made. Although hospitals and medical personnel have a duty to render the best care possible, negligence and wrongdoing thrive in this environment.

Emergency room medical malpractice can include the failure to evaluate a patient properly, misdiagnosis, a delayed or a failed diagnosis, delayed treatment, wrong medication or improper dosage and patient dumping. Patient dumping is a term that refers to a patient being transferred to another facility for monetary, not health treatment reasons.

Emergency room medical malpractice can cause great pain and suffering, long term disabilities and death. Compensation includes payment for medical expenses, lost wages, long term care costs, rehabilitation, pain and suffering and burial expenses.

If you live in Jackson, Mississippi or the surrounding area and you or someone you love has been the victim of emergency room medical malpractice, please contact an experienced emergency room medical malpractice lawyer at the Jackson, Mississippi office of The Cochran Firm today to protect your legal rights and obtain the justice and compensation you are entitled to.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:16 PM

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