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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Premises Liability in Dallas, Texas

Slip and fall accidents are the most common type of premises liability cases that rest on the question of the property owner's responsibility to maintain their property so it does not present a danger to others.

Injuries sustained in a fire or other types of injuries resulting from dangerous, hazardous or defective conditions on someone's property also fall into this category known as premises liability. Accidents classified under premises liability law can occur on residential, commercial or public property as all owners have a level of responsibility to make certain their property is safe.

A premises liability claim must prove either that the property owner created the hazard that caused the accident or knew or should have known the hazard existed and did nothing to correct it.

The injured party in a premises liability accident may have injuries ranging from bruising and abrasions to broken bones or a traumatic brain injury that can cause life-long disability or even death. Proper legal representation in these cases is essential to you receiving compensation for current and future medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses, income losses and pain and suffering.

Residents of Dallas, Texas and the surrounding area who have been injured as a result of premises liability should contact an experienced premises liability attorney at the Dallas, Texas office of The Cochran Firm to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost, to protect their legal rights and obtain the compensation they deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:06 PM

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