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Friday, July 10, 2009

Truck Accidents in Miami, Florida

Many truck accidents are the result of truck driver error. Delivery deadlines and long hours on the road contribute to the causes of truck accidents. The majority of the injuries and deaths involved in truck accidents are suffered by the occupants of the other vehicle involved in the accident with a truck.

Common causes of truck accidents are speeding, alcohol and drug use, reckless or aggressive driving, fatigue, hazardous road conditions and mechanical failure due to poor equipment maintenance.

Estimates report that over 80% of truck accidents are the fault of the truck driver. If you are ever involved in an accident with a truck, it is important for you to know your adversary is the trucking company and not the truck driver. The trucking company should be held liable for your losses. You should be fully compensated for all your medical expenses related to the accident, any loss of income or future earning potential, and pain and suffering you have had to endure. You will need an experienced truck accident attorney protecting your legal rights and fighting to obtain justice for you while the trucking company is attempting to minimize their responsibility for your losses.

If you are a resident of Miami, Florida or the surrounding area, and you have suffered an injury in an accident involving a truck, please contact an experienced truck accident lawyer at The Cochran Firm's Miami, Florida office today to protect your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:28 PM

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