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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Amusement Park Accidents in Miami, Florida

Millions of Americans visit amusement parks, water parks, sports facilities and entertainment complexes annually. Unfortunately, accidents and injuries do occur at these venues despite safety procedures and precautions followed at these amusement parks and other entertainment and sport facilities.

Roller coasters and other "thrill-rides" are responsible for many amusement park injuries. Many amusement park attractions are built specifically to scare patrons. A rollercoaster traveling at speeds over 60 miles per hour is exciting but if an accident occurs, the result is often severe injuries, such as, whiplash, traumatic brain injuries or broken bones.

The lure of an amusement park is the promise of safe fun for the entire family, but children are injured every day on rides, in parking lots and elsewhere on the grounds of entertainment venues. When someone is injured at an entertainment venue, it is important to have the advice of an attorney familiar with cases involving amusement park and entertainment venue accidents, like The Cochran Firm lawyers. The venue owners need to be held legally responsible when an accident occurs on their property.

If you or someone you care about was injured at an amusement park, sports facility or other entertainment venue, please contact the Miami, Florida office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation to learn all about your legal rights and what financial compensation.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 3:09 PM

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