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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Defective Consumer Products in Los Angeles, California

Every time you go to a store you take your life in your own hands. Does that sound like a true and rational statement? What if you went shopping knowing a few items in every store could cause you serious harm, but you did not know which ones?

That is exactly what happens every day in the United States as millions of Americans buy products and bring them into their homes, a sort of consumer- based game of Russian roulette. Most products are tested by their manufacturers, but in some cases dangerous flaws are either allowed to remain or go undetected until it is too late.

Defective or dangerous consumer products cause devastating injuries and deaths to thousands of unsuspecting consumers every year. Defective and dangerous products cause severe burns, brain injuries, paralysis, lost limbs or debilitating illnesses and even deaths. The parties responsible must be held legally culpable and financially liable for the damages they inflict on an unsuspecting public.

Some typical defective consumer products have included food items, toothpaste, toys, household appliances, automobiles, airbags, tires, cribs, strollers, pet foods, smoke detectors, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, flammable fabrics, the list is endless.

If you or someone you love has been injured by the use of a defective consumer product, please contact the Los Angeles, California office of The Cochran Firm today to learn about your legal rights and how an experienced product liability attorney can get you the financial compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:38 PM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

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