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Friday, December 25, 2009

Police Brutality in Jackson, Mississippi

Mississippians expect their local police forces to protect them, not harm them. The people of Mississippi do not expect abusive behavior from the police during a routine traffic stop, or unnecessary and unwarranted racial profiling of their particular minority group either.

They do not expect physical or emotional abuse, assault by a police officer with a nightstick or flashlight, unlawful or warrantless arrests, vindictive arrests or prosecutions or problems with off-duty police officers at a restaurant or bar. Mississippians do not expect this behavior, but they are often victims of police misconduct and brutality.

The use of reasonable force by the police in certain circumstances is necessary to protect their lives and the lives of innocent people caught up in the rising tide of criminal behavior in many communities. However, there are cases where some police officers have abused their authority over the years.

When a police officer abuses their power and deliberately harms an individual, the victim can file a police brutality claim. The Cochran Firm has a long and proud tradition of civil rights advocacy and is well equipped to use every legal avenue to retaliate against police brutality wherever it occurs and to pursue financial compensation for the insults and injuries innocent citizens have suffered at the hands of a few bad police officers.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of police brutality, please contact the Jackson, Mississippi office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn how you can protect your legal rights and obtain the financial compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:35 PM

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