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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Premises Liability in Houston, Texas

People injured as a result of negligence on someone else's property are entitled to pursue financial compensation for their injuries. Business owners, homeowners and commercial property owners are all legally liable for accidents that occur on their property and they are equally liable for the resulting injuries.

Wet floors, obstacles and poor lighting are the common causes of many accidents that occur in stores and businesses, but other premises liability injuries may involve a lack of security or other negligent actions. Accidents that may result in a valid premises liability lawsuit include a slip and fall caused by torn carpet, uneven walkways or highly polished slippery floors or a parking lot assault resulting from inadequate security personnel or poor lighting.

The injuries in premises liability accidents may include back or neck injuries, hip fractures, head injuries or other serious life- threatening injuries. Texas premises liability law requires the injured party must prove the property owner knew the dangerous condition existed but failed to correct it. The experienced premises liability attorneys at The Cochran Firm have proved liability under Texas law for their many clients’ countless times over the years.

If you live in the Houston, Texas area and you or someone you love has been injured on someone else's property, please contact The Cochran Firm today where your case will be investigated and your options explained to you so you can pursue the financial compensation to which you may be entitled.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:32 PM

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