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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Defective Pharmaceuticals in Memphis, Tennessee

Over one thousand deaths can be attributed to defective pharmaceuticals in the past decade. Over twenty million people have taken a medication that was recalled. Billions of dollars are paid to patients injured, or surviving family members of patients killed, due to the side effects of a defective pharmaceutical.

Defective pharmaceuticals can cause birth defects, heart attacks, strokes, liver and kidney failure and death. The list of defective pharmaceuticals grows every day and makes one anxious and afraid to take even the most necessary life sustaining medications.

A pharmaceutical company that fails to properly research and assess a medications' risk or side effects before releasing the medication to the public, is liable for damages incurred even if the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the drug for distribution.

The attorneys at The Cochran Firm believe pharmaceutical companies that place profits about peoples' lives should be held financially accountable for their negligence and the destruction of innocent peoples' lives.

If your life or the life of someone you love has been changed forever simply by taking a prescribed medication, please contact the Memphis, Tennessee office of The Cochran Firm today to learn how to protect your legal rights and the rights of those you love and obtain the financial compensation you deserve for the injuries you have suffered.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 8:01 AM

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