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Monday, December 21, 2009

Medical Malpractice in Detroit, Michigan

Whenever you seek medical care in Michigan you expect a healthcare provider will treat you or your loved ones with the high standards demanded of the medical community nationwide. Medical malpractice is a healthcare provider's failure to provide a degree of care and skill expected of any other medical professional under similar circumstances.

Medical malpractice is a serious issue in Michigan and is the leading cause of wrongful death. There are many different instances you or someone you care about can be affected by medical malpractice, some of which include surgical errors such as wrong site surgery or instruments left behind in the surgical site, anesthesia errors, medication errors, birth injuries, misdiagnoses, emergency room failures to diagnose the correct problem, infections contracted in a hospital and nursing home neglect and abuse.

It is important your attorney has extensive expertise in the field of medical malpractice litigation. Medical malpractice law is complicated, technical and a specialized field of law. The highly skilled team of professionals at The Cochran Firm has long worked together to ensure you have the best legal representation available and are focused on your needs. Their experience and perseverance will help you obtain the financial compensation you deserve for the injuries you have suffered.

Please contact the Detroit, Michigan office of The Cochran Firm today if you or someone you love has suffered injuries or died due to medical malpractice.


posted by Erica at 12:28 PM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

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