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The Cochran Firm Legal Blog

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Recent studies have revealed that over one hundred thousand people are injured in this country every year resulting in over five thousand fatalities in accidents involving large trucks More than two hundred of those people lost their lives in Georgia. The massive size and weight of a large truck traveling at highway speeds creates an incredible force in an accident that can cause devastation to people and property.

truck accident is a frightening event that becomes a complicated event in the aftermath that requires knowledge of trucks, the trucking industry and insurance issues. Truck accidents typically involve multiple vehicles, multiple victims and multiple insurance companies that complicate the resolution of culpability and responsibility further. An experienced truck accident attorney such as those with The Cochran Firm have expertise in all types of truck accidents and are familiar with just how catastrophic injuries and losses can be in an accident involving a truck, with broken bones and severed limbs, internal trauma, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, severe burns, and even death.

Truck accident victims can be financially compensated for medical expenses and lost income, lost future earning capacity, pain and suffering and the loss of your quality of life. In the event of a wrongful death due to a truck accident, survivors are also entitled to financial compensation for their losses brought about by the death of their loved one.

If you live in the Atlanta, Georgia area and have been impacted by the involvement in an accident with a truck, please contact The Cochran Firm today.


posted by Erica at 12:18 PM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

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