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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Construction Site Accidents in Chicago, Illinois

Construction workers confront some of the most hazardous working conditions every day they report to work. According to the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction site accidents account for the greatest number of worker fatalities of any industry.

Construction workers can suffer serious injuries even though there are regulations, statutes, ordinances and industry standards that are supposed to provide a reasonably safe working environment.

The many dangerous conditions inherent at a construction site make it almost impossible to prevent all injuries from happening. Falls from scaffolds and other elevations, being struck by heavy machinery, electrocution, exposure to asbestos and other hazardous substances, and injuries caused by defective or other unsafe equipment occur with alarming frequency.

If you have been injured in a construction site accident, the experienced construction site accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm can help you and make certain you understand just what your legal rights are and what financial compensation you can expect for the injuries you have suffered. The severity of construction site injuries often makes it impossible for a worker to resume their previous occupation and this must be taken into consideration when determining the extent of financial compensation due to the loss of future income potential.

If you have been injured in a construction site accident and live in the Chicago, Illinois area, please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn how to proceed in securing your future and the future of those you love.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:25 AM

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