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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Truck Accidents in Jackson, Mississippi

A large commercial truck can weigh over forty tons, while the average passenger vehicle weighs only approximately three thousand pounds. It is easy to understand why the occupants of an automobile involved in a collision with a truck are the ones who suffer the most serious injuries and are most often killed.

Many truck accidents are caused by truck driver error, resulting from demanding deadlines and too many hours behind the wheel with no rest. Typical causes of truck accidents involve speeding, alcohol and drug use, reckless and aggressive driving, mechanical failure and poor equipment maintenance, hazardous road or weather conditions and cargo overloading or shifting cargo loads.

The victim of a truck accident may be confronted with many critical needs, such as emergency medical care, loss of income, possible long-term care costs, and legal actions initiated due to the truck accident and its aftermath. You should be financially compensated to the fullest for all your medical expenses, pain and suffering and lost income caused by the truck accident.

To ensure your legal rights to financial compensation from the trucking company responsible for the truck accident are protected, you should contact The Cochran Firm today located in Jackson, Mississippi, and in the tragic event you have lost a loved one in a fatal truck accident, The Cochran Firm can help you pursue a wrongful death claim.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:02 AM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

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