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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Automobile Accidents and Defective Vehicles in Houston, Texas

Did a defective vehicle cause serious injuries or result in death for your family member? Every year in Houston, car accidents claim the lives of hundreds of our citizens, and thousands are injured in car accidents caused by defective vehicles.

Many vehicles on our roads today are dangerous because of defects in their design, manufacture or maintenance. Many serious or deadly manufacturing or design defects can be avoided if car manufacturers and distributors would place the American consumer's safety ahead of their profit margins.

Vehicle manufacturers and distributors have a legal responsibility to make sure every vehicle they sell is safe to drive. When a defective vehicle is sold to an unsuspecting buyer, that vehicle becomes a deadly object.

The automobile accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm will strive to achieve the best outcome for your unique case and hold those responsible for the defective vehicle legally liable for the financial compensation you deserve for the damages you have suffered.

If you are seriously injured or a loved one was killed due to a defective vehicle automobile accident in the Houston, Texas area, please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a no cost to you confidential consultation to evaluate your case and determine whether you are entitled to financial compensation for your injuries or loss.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:52 AM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

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