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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spinal Cord Injuries in Norfolk/Portsmouth, Virginia

A spinal cord injury is usually the result of a sudden blow to the spine during an automobile accident, a fall, a sports-related accident or a criminal assault that fractures or dislocates the vertebrae culminating in a catastrophic injury.

Emergency medical care and treatment and aggressive rehabilitation have attempted to minimize the lasting effects of spinal cord injuries, but an injury to the spinal cord remains a life-altering and life-threatening occurrence. In some instances of spinal cord injury where the damage is minimal, some basic motor and sensory functions remain, but the majority of spinal cord injuries cause paralysis below the level of the injury.

The physical, psychological and financial burdens forced on victims of spinal cord injuries are overwhelming. The cost of continuing medical care and treatment and rehabilitation can total hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. That is why it is important to retain the services of The Cochran Firm’s experienced and highly skilled spinal cord injury attorneys to evaluate your case as they are very familiar with the severity and permanence of the disability involved.

If you are a resident of the Norfolk/Portsmouth, Virginia area and you or someone you love has suffered a devastating spinal cord injury, please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a no cost to you confidential consultation to learn how to proceed to obtain the financial compensation you need to improve your quality of life and secure the financial future of your loved ones.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 9:18 AM

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