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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bus Accidents in Detroit, Michigan

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), thousands of individuals are injured or killed in bus crashes every year in this country. Several types of buses that can be involved in accidents are those used in public transportation, school buses, charter buses and vacation tour buses.

The current economic situation in this country has increased bus ridership and as a result, the number of bus accidents causing serious injuries and deaths. Bus accidents typically result from driver negligence, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, defective vehicles, speeding, dangerous or hazardous roadways or weather conditions, and inadequate maintenance of equipment.

The laws governing bus accidents are very complex because they usually involve multiple victims and corporations. Individuals injured in bus accidents have the legal right to receive financial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and any other expenses they incur because of the accident.

The bus accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm have a long history of being able to combine our legal and technical knowledge to explain these complex laws to juries and never lose sight of our ultimate goal of getting our clients the financial compensation they need and deserve.

Please contact the experienced bus accident attorneys at The Cochran Firm's Detroit, Michigan location if you or someone you care about was injured or killed in an accident involving a bus to protect your legal rights and obtain the financial compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 9:21 AM

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