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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Defective Tires in Minneapolis, Minnesota

The American consumer should not be at risk for catastrophic injuries or death because tire manufacturers choose profits over tire safety. There is nothing more heart stopping when you are behind the wheel of a motor vehicle traveling at highway speeds than a tire blowout.

Many tires have been recalled over the last several years as a result of manufacturing defects and flaws in tires which cause sudden tire failure, tire de-treading and blowouts. The tire manufacturing defects appear to be an industry wide problem and are not confined to one or two manufacturers.

Over the past several years tire manufacturers have been found legally responsible for damages resulting from accidents caused by their defective tires. The experienced defective tire attorneys at The Cochran Firm have successfully represented many clients seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents caused by tire defects and helped them recover financial compensation for the losses they have suffered. You have the legal right to be financially compensated for your medical expenses, lost income, the cost of rehabilitation and any other expenses you have to incur as a result of your accident caused by a defective tire.

If you or a loved one was seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident caused by a defective tire in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area, please contact the experienced defective tire attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to protect your legal rights and get the financial compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:12 AM

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