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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Effects in Miami, Florida

Oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster has entered the Loop current and could be carried into the Florida Keys and up Florida's Atlantic Coast, damaging coral reefs and ruining beaches. The Loop current moves according to shifting winds and other environmental factors and as a result, the oil slick has defied scientists' efforts to accurately track and predict its path. Florida's 1,260 miles of coastline has yet to be affected even as coastal communities make containment and cleanup preparations.

British Petroleum, which leased the oil rig, is the responsible party for the spill and will be compelled to pay damages if the oil spill in the Gulf spreads to Florida's beaches and sensitive mangrove forests. South Florida's hotels, restaurants, dive companies and charter fishing companies' employees and owners stand to lose their livelihoods from the adverse effects of the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The experienced environmental and toxic tort attorneys at The Cochran Firm are ready to advise you and guide you through the process of protecting your future quality of life in the event you are affected by the threatening oil spill in the Gulf.

If you live in Miami, Florida or the surrounding area of South Florida and you have questions concerning the oil spill and its' effect on your quality of life, please contact the environmental and toxic tort attorneys at The Cochran Firm today at no cost to you to learn how we can help you at this difficult time.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:10 AM

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