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Monday, June 21, 2010

First Defective Chinese Drywall Jury in Favor of Plaintiffs

The Cochran Firm has been reporting all about the catastrophic results of the defective Chinese drywall that was installed in millions of American homes built or renovated around 2005-06. Many complaints were from Florida homeowners who had to rebuild following a hurricane when there was a shortage of American-made drywall. The defective Chinese drywall emits foul-smelling corrosive gases and ruins air conditioning units, copper wiring and metal pipes. Residents in homes with the dangerous drywall have reported the following:

• Respiratory problems
• Nose bleeds
• Coughing
• Eye irritation
• Throat irritation
• Sinus problems

Our attorneys are seeking damages including, but not limited to:

• The cost of removing all the defective drywall
• Replacing the dangerous drywall with high quality drywall that is mold resistant
• Removal of any damaged property
• Replacement of damaged property such as heating and air units, electrical wiring, or even the entire reconstruction of your home or place of business

After over a year of defective drywall cases being litigated, settlements are being made. One Florida couple, who had fled their home because of the drywall, was just awarded $2.4 million in damages in the country's first jury trial over the defective drywall. This may just set the tone for the thousands of similar cases in the works at this time. The jury ruled that the couple should receive more than simply the costs to repair the home; they were awarded damages for "loss of enjoyment of life" and because the drywall stigma may reduce their home’s worth should the couple want to sell in the future.

If you had to leave your home and/or were made ill due to defective Chinese drywall, please contact The Cochran Firm's experienced defective product attorneys today to schedule a confidential, no-cost consultation.

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posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 7:42 AM

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