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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Abuse of Restraints in Nursing Homes

Nursing home abuse can take many forms. One of the most common that The Cochran Firm's personal injury lawyers see is abuse of medical restraints. When improperly used, these restraints are not just demeaning and humiliating; they can also hurt nursing home residents.

Medical restraints have valid uses. Some nursing home patients are uncooperative or physically incapable of remaining still during medical procedures. In these cases, restraints can prove helpful, but only if used sparingly and correctly by trained staffers.

Too often, however, restraints are used as tools of punishment by staff members. Our personal injury lawyers understand that restraints are not to be used simply because a resident questions some element of his or her treatment or raises concerns.

The other concern is the mis-use of restraints. Even when a situation calls for the deployment of these tools, restraints must be used properly. When they aren't, perhaps because staff members are improperly trained, restraints can cut off circulation and cause significant pain and discomfort.

The Cochran Firm's personal injury lawyers stand ready to help all those hurt by negligent or abusive nursing home staff members.

If your loved one has suffered an injury as a result of nursing home abuse or neglect, you should speak with our personal injury lawyers. Please contact The Cochran Firm today for a free consultation.

posted by Admin at 11:46 AM

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