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Monday, October 6, 2014

Eli Lilly Facing Suit Over Misleading Advertising

Eli Lilly is being sued over allegedly misleading advertising regarding Axiron, the company’s testosterone replacement drug. According to the plaintiff in this case, Eli Lilly mounted an aggressive campaign, marketing Axiron as a treatment for “Low-T,” despite the product not being approved by the FDA for such use. Eli Lilly is one of a handful of pharmaceutical companies facing lawsuits over false advertising and personal injury resulting from use of these types of potentially dangerous drugs.
Axiron, like all testosterone replacement therapies, was approved to treat very specific conditions, but heavily marketed as a cure-all for issues as diverse as depression, loss of muscle mass, and sexual dysfunction. Unfortunately, while claims of the amazing benefits of testosterone medications remain unproven, the dangers posed by these drugs are now well known.
Testosterone therapy is linked to an increased risk for heart attack, particularly in men over the age of 65. When prescribed as a lifestyle drug to treat ED and low libido, men are placed at an increased risk for little to no known benefit.
If you or someone you love has suffered a heart attack after taking a testosterone replacement medication, please contact The Cochran Firm to schedule a free consultation. We maintain offices throughout the United States and accept clients from all areas of the country.

posted by Admin at 6:44 AM

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