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Friday, May 29, 2009

Construction Site Accidents in New York City

Construction sites are very dangerous places to be. Construction workers are historically and statistically often the victims of serious and sometimes fatal injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), says over one thousand construction workers are killed each year due to construction site accidents.

People other than construction workers have also been injured at construction sites. Machinery or heavy construction equipment just outside the site or debris falling or left on walkways can injure an innocent passer-by.

Construction site injuries are normally very serious and often catastrophic. Falls are the most common accident at a construction site. While forklift accidents, nail gun and welding injuries, electrocution and hazardous substance exposures also play a roll. Some causes of construction site accidents are having inadequate safety procedures in place, defective machinery or equipment or negligence.

Construction site safety is the responsibility of the owners, architects, contractors and manufacturers of the construction machinery and equipment.

If you live in New York City, New York or the surrounding area and you have been injured on a construction site, you should contact the New York City, New York office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn all about your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:18 PM

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