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Friday, May 29, 2009

Doctors Involved in Medical Malpractice in Minneapolis are Usually Undisciplined

Minnesota is the worst state when it comes to disciplinary action of doctors in medical malpractice cases. A doctor that engages in substandard medicine practices is subject to disciplinary actions under the law. The rate of disciplinary actions has fallen since 2004 and the worst percentage of doctors disciplined is in Minnesota.

Disciplinary actions for a doctor involved in medical malpractice include:

  • Suspension or revocation of medical license
  • Probation from practicing medicine
  • Restriction of a license

There is no reason for the lack of disciplinary action. Any doctor that is negligent in his practice of medicine or who causes the wrongful death of a patient must be held responsible for those actions. A doctor should not be allowed to continue practicing medicine after harming a patient. Every doctor takes the oath to first do no harm.

Medical Malpractice can be the result of:

  • Surgical errors
  • Misdiagnoses
  • Emergency room errors
  • Hospital workers' negligence
  • Discharging a patient too early

Medical malpractice may leave you or a loved one seriously injured and in some cases, may cause wrongful death. Please take the time to contact the experienced Medical Malpractice Attorneys at the Cochran Firm's Minneapolis office for help. We will hold the responsible parties accountable and get you the compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:14 PM

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