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Monday, May 18, 2009

Jackson, Mississippi Car Accident Results in Spinal Cord Injury

A car accident may have many outcomes. Sometimes, victims of the accident walk away unharmed. Other times, the victims suffer permanent injuries such as a spinal cord injury.

A Reverend in Mississippi died almost ten months after he was in a terrible car accident that claimed the lives of his wife and grandson and left him with a spinal cord injury. He believed he would walk again and that he would be able to preach to his loyal congregants. He was unable to do so and lived with the painful injury and memory of the accident for almost a year. He is terribly missed by many who loved and respected him.

Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury can leave you paralyzed from the waist down or the neck down. Some victims of a spinal cord injury can recover and gain the use of their limbs. Rehabilitation therapy is an option for some victims. Continuing treatment and therapy will include:

  • Management of Nutrition
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Physicians Monitoring Progress

If you live in the Jackson, Mississippi area and have suffered a spinal cord injury, please contact the Cochran Firm's Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys at the Jackson office. You can schedule a confidential consultation to discuss your injuries and your case. This is a no-cost, confidential consultation to help you.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:17 AM

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