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Monday, May 18, 2009

Spinal Cord Injury in Dallas, Texas

More than ten thousand Americans suffer a spinal cord injury every year. A spinal cord injury can have catastrophic consequences. Over two hundred thousand people in this country live their lives every day with the lasting effects of a spinal cord injury. The financial costs of continuing care for these people can total hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. The emotional and mental costs are immeasurable.

A spinal cord injury at the level of the neck can cause paralysis and make it impossible to breathe without the assistance of a respirator. An injury to the spinal cord on a lower level may affect only the lower half of the body. In either case, a spinal cord injury is a life changing event.

To date, there is no way to reverse the affects of a spinal cord injury, but recent advances have improved the recovery and rehabilitation time involved with this devastating injury. Researchers are discovering new treatments that promote nerve cell regeneration or can improve the function of the remaining nerves after a spinal cord injury.

If you live in Dallas, Texas or the surrounding area, and you or someone you care about has suffered a spinal cord injury through no fault of your own, please contact an experienced spinal cord injury attorney at The Cochran Firm Dallas office today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:09 AM

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