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Monday, May 18, 2009

Wrongful Death Case Close to Trial in Detroit

After four years of pain and agony from her father's wrongful death, a Detroit woman's case is now set for a conference on May 13th. Brutal force was used in the arrest of her father after he fled from a tractor he stole in 2004. The police officers involved claim that the man tried to choke one of them while they attempted to arrest him. The officers used pepper spray and a taser gun in an attempt to defend themselves. The man stopped breathing and died during the arrest.

Why Wrongful Deaths Occur

A wrongful death may be the result of many reasons such as an emergency room error, defective product, or medical malpractice. Some of the responsible parties in a wrongful death lawsuit may be:

  • Manufacturing Companies
  • Hospitals
  • Doctors

However, a wrongful death may also occur from a car accident caused by the negligence or inattention of a driver. No matter the reason and no matter who the responsible party was, you have rights to compensation when a loved one is unjustly taken from you. You also have help available during these difficult times.

Please contact the Cochran Firm's Wrongful Death Lawyers in Detroit to help you through this emotional time. These skillful lawyers will fight for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:50 AM

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