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Friday, May 29, 2009

Motorcycle Accidents in Sacramento, California

Motorcycle accidents happen even to safety-conscious riders. Studies reveal most motorcycle accidents occur because the driver of the other vehicle involved just did not see the motorcycle before impact.

One-half of all motorcycle fatalities involved excessive speed and alcohol or drugs. Male riders are involved in over 96% of all motorcycle accidents and more than half of those had only five months of riding experience. The majority of motorcycle accidents happen after dark.
Motorcyclists are at a great risk of injury due to the lack of physical protection surrounding them, such as air bags and seat belts and the enclosure of being in an automobile. Motorcycle riders have only their helmets and clothing to protect them from physical contact with the road. Helmets have proven to lessen the number of head and neck injuries and have saved many lives.

If you are unfortunately ever involved in a motorcycle accident, it is important to stay calm and check for injuries, call 911, and do not leave the scene of the accident before police arrive.

Motorcycle accident injuries range from scrapes and bruises to massive head trauma, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, paralysis and even death. Serious injuries can mean astronomical medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, permanent disability and death.
Motorcycle accident injuries can place a huge financial, emotional and legal burden on the victim and the victim's family members. Compensation may be paid for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, loss of income and in the case of death, the survivors may also be entitled to compensation for their losses.

If you live in Sacramento, California or the surrounding area and you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, please contact the Sacramento office of The Cochran Firm to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:28 PM

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