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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Automobile Accidents and Cell Phone Use in Memphis, Tennessee

The National Safety Council has released a study that concludes talking and texting on a cell phone while driving has become one of the most dangerous behaviors exhibited by the driving public.

Drivers using cell phones have exhibited the same dangerous behaviors as drivers under the influence of alcohol and drugs and are responsible for many automobile accidents. Drivers using cell phones drive slowly, weave erratically, are slow to apply brakes and slow to regain speed after braking, and they are involved in rear-end collisions at a much higher rate than other drivers. A survey by a national insurance group reported that over 80% of drivers admit cell phone use while driving.

The magnitude of drivers using cell phones represents a danger to all of us on our nation's roadways. Many states are now in the process of considering legislation to restrict the use of cell phones while driving.

Studies prove cell phone use while driving does not save time, but may cost you your life or the life of a loved one. If you must make or take a call while in your automobile, pull off the road to a safe place to complete your call. You may avoid a trip to the hospital or worse.

If you live in Memphis, Tennessee or the surrounding area and you or a loved one was injured in an accident caused by a cell phone using driver, please contact an experienced automobile accident attorney at the Memphis, Tennessee office of The Cochran Firm today to learn about your legal rights and whether you are entitled to compensation for your injuries.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:23 PM

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