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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Defective Chinese Drywall in Metairie, Louisiana

Many homeowners in Louisiana are abandoning their homes after reporting foul odors, health concerns like headaches, respiratory problems, nosebleeds and eye irritation, and the corrosion of wiring, copper pipes and appliances due to toxic defective Chinese drywall that was used in the construction of these homes.

The defective Chinese drywall has higher than normal levels of the hazardous substances strontium and sulfur. To make matters worse, some homeowner insurance companies are canceling the homeowners insurance on these homes citing a failure on the part of the homeowner to maintain the home in a livable condition. This is a classic “catch 22” situation.

Louisiana’s defective Chinese drywall problem has not yet peaked and shows signs of getting worse. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were responsible for thousands of homes being rebuilt with the defective Chinese drywall and now those same people whose homes were destroyed have become victims of a different kind of disaster. However, citizens of Louisiana are protected to some extent by a consumer protection law unique to Louisiana.

If you or a family member or friend suspects your home contains defective Chinese drywall, you need the help of The Cochran Firm, a leading products liability and personal injury law firm that is committed to holding the international companies responsible for this disaster accountable.

If you live in and around Metairie, Louisiana please contact The Cochran Firm today and learn how the law in Louisiana can assist you in your efforts to obtain justice and protect your legal rights in your fight against the manufacturers and distributors of defective Chinese drywall.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:44 PM

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