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Monday, December 28, 2009

Police Brutality in the Latino Community

The Constitution of the United States guarantees the citizens of this country certain rights. Police brutality violates those rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The police are obligated to treat everyone with dignity and respect and to honor your rights under the Constitution. You have the right to be free from the use of excessive force and cruel and unusual punishment even if you broke the law.

It is apparent that too many Latinos are put at risk everyday of their liberties and in some cases their lives, because of police brutality. The Latino community is a population that suffers a disproportionate number of instances of police brutality.

Although the use of reasonable force by the police in certain circumstances is necessary and understandable for the protection of innocent citizens, there are well documented cases of police abusing their authority and causing harm to undeserving citizenry. Police brutality can take many forms, such as racial profiling, false arrest, sexual harassment, intimidation and corruption. The majority of incidents of police brutality go unreported and therefore undocumented.

If you or someone you love has been the victim of police brutality, please contact the Latino Section of The Cochran Firm with offices nationwide today to schedule a private consultation at no cost to you to learn what you can do to protect your legal rights and the legal rights of those you love.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 1:19 PM

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