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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Premises Liability in Minneapolis, Minnesota

All property owners have a legal obligation to provide a reasonably safe environment for people who access their property.

An injury or wrongful death that is caused by the negligent design, maintenance or functioning of a property presents the injured party with the legal right to financial compensation from the property owner, landlord or those responsible for the functioning of the property.

Injuries may result from falls on wet, slippery or icy surfaces, an elevator or escalator malfunctioning, improper lighting, or a failure to provide adequate security in malls, hotels or parking garages that result in physical assaults causing injuries and fatalities.

The Minneapolis premises liability attorneys at The Cochran Firm have assisted clients throughout Minnesota in filing negligence claims for injuries and have been very successful in litigating for fair and just financial compensation for them. A premises liability claim asserts that the property owner created the dangerous condition that caused your injury or knew about the dangerous condition that led to your injury and did nothing to correct it.

Minnesota premises liability laws
are complex so if you have been injured on someone else's property, please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation where our highly skilled attorneys and investigators will work as a team to protect your legal rights and make sure those responsible are held legally accountable.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:19 AM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

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