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Monday, February 1, 2010

Police Brutality in Detroit, Michigan

Oppressed groups in this country know and understand the dangers of police misconduct and police brutality. The city of Detroit, Michigan has dealt with police misconduct, police brutality and overzealous law enforcement for years. Civil rights violations are a serious problem and encompass not only police misconduct and police brutality, but charges of unlawful search and seizure, false arrest and false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, and excessive fines and bail.

Interactions between the police and citizens are typically anxiety and stress filled and therefore, dangerous. Police officers are trained to make certain they are safe when making arrests, investigating crime scenes, performing traffic stops or pursuing suspected perpetrators of crimes. While the threat of force and the occasional use of force are understandably necessary at times in the performance of police duties, it is well documented that the use of excessive force is responsible for many instances of police misconduct and brutality.

A claim of police misconduct or brutality may involve injuries suffered due to the use of excessive force during an arrest, a case of mistaken identity or false arrest, malicious prosecution, or a motor vehicle accident caused by a police pursuit.

The experienced attorneys at The Cochran Firm have the knowledge and understanding of what is required to investigate and litigate police misconduct or police brutality claims and will do whatever is necessary to protect the legal rights of their clients.

If you live in the Detroit, Michigan area and have been the victim of police brutality or misconduct, please contact The Cochran Firm today to protect your legal rights and hold those responsible for your injuries accountable.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:36 AM

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