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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Birth Injuries in New York, New York

When a doctor, nurse, midwife, anesthesiologist or healthcare facility fails in their obligation to provide adequate care during labor and deliver, or the prenatal and postnatal periods, and the result is a devastating birth injury, the entire family is confronted with a situation they never envisioned.

The tragic outcome of a medical error at this critical time can never be undone, but financial compensation to assist a family struggling to meet the needs of their injured child is available. A medical error during this particular time can cost hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars, in order to cope with the life-long effects of a birth injury. Birth injuries can mean multiple surgeries, a lifetime of nursing care, recurring medical conditions, limited expectations and other issues that may arise during the infants' lifetime.

The birth injury lawyers at The Cochran Firm are committed to ensuring families get the financial compensation they need to pay for medical bills, nursing care, occupational and physical therapists, medications, durable medical equipment and electronic devises that help them cope with the overwhelming requirements of children with birth injuries.

If you live in the New York area and you suspect medical errors before, during or after the birth of your child caused your child to suffer a birth related injury, please contact the experienced birth injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to make sure your child's needs are taken care of now, and in the future, even after you are no longer there to provide that care.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 10:03 AM

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