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Friday, July 16, 2010

Nursing Home Abuse in Las Vegas, Nevada

When you are unable to care for elderly family members, nursing homes and assisted living centers represent themselves as good alternatives to that personal care you cannot provide. However, incidents of emotional, physical and sexual abuse by nursing home and assisted living center caregivers are becoming more frequent.

Several factors contribute to the abuse and neglect of the elderly residents of these facilities and include poorly trained and unqualified staff, staff with a history of violence, understaffed, overworked and poorly paid caregivers, the isolation of the residents and their reluctance to report the abuse for fear of making the situation worse.

Specific examples of nursing home abuse and neglect may include the presence of bedsores and open wounds, chronic infections, unnecessary physical or medical restraints, and inadequate personal hygiene care.

The nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at The Cochran Firm have decades of experience in handling nursing home abuse and neglect cases and will fight to make sure your elderly family member is treated with respect and dignity while pursuing all legal options available to hold those responsible legally and financially accountable.

If you live in the Las Vegas, Nevada area and you suspect your elderly loved one is suffering abuse and neglect at the hands of a caregiver, please contact the experienced nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to take the necessary action to make the abuse stop.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 11:14 AM

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