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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Defective Signals Causing Train Accidents

Train accidents almost always result in devastating, catastrophic injuries. Drivers and pedestrians rely upon warning signs and signals to avoid these accidents. That's why The Cochran Firm's accident lawyers are so passionate about pursuing justice for those who suffered a train accident as a result of a defective sign or signal.

A railroad crossing should be clearly and explicitly labeled with prominent signs, most of which include flashing lights. Most railroad crossings also have gates on either side of the tracks that slide down when a train is coming.

When one of these elements is missing, either as a result of a mechanical failure with the gates or lights or as a result of improper design, innocent drivers can cross the tracks with no warning of an oncoming train.
The resulting collision is often fatal.

The Cochran Firm's accident lawyers have decades of experience handling train accidents with these causes. We've helped people hurt by train collisions, and we've pursued wrongful death claims on behalf of the families of those killed by these accidents.

If you or a family member has been hurt in a train accident, you should speak to our accident lawyers immediately. Please contact The Cochran Firm today for a free consultation.

posted by Admin at 12:09 PM

1.800.THE FIRM | 1.800.843.3476

The Cochran Firm handles Civil Litigation and Criminal Defense claims for clients throughout the United States of America. The information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor form an attorney-client relationship.Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a free consultation.

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