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Monday, June 9, 2014

What Are The Exceptions to Attorney-Client Privilege?

At The Cochran Firm, our auto accident attorneys take our clients' confidentiality quite seriously. We understand that open communication between a lawyer and a client is crucial, and we will never violate attorney-client privilege.

It's important to understand that while attorney-client privilege is a keystone of the legal system, it is not total. There are some exceptions to the privilege. These vary by state, but often include:

  • An attorney may reveal client communications if failing to do so would make him or her party to a crime
  • The client has waived the privilege, perhaps by publicly discussing the issue in question
  • The communication was made in the presence of a third party that lacks the privilege
  • Lawyers may reveal confidential information in the context of defending themselves against disciplinary actions at the state bar
Fortunately, these exceptions rarely arise during the practice of personal injury law. Our auto accident lawyers possess an excellent reputation for honesty and client service. We will not break confidentiality, and we will ensure you are aware if a situation arises in which confidentiality is not assured.

If you need an experienced auto accident attorney you can trust, please contact The Cochran Firm today for a free consultation. 

posted by Admin at 2:21 PM

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The Cochran Firm handles Civil Litigation and Criminal Defense claims for clients throughout the United States of America. The information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor form an attorney-client relationship.Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a free consultation.

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