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Friday, May 29, 2009

San Jose Wrongful Death Lawsuit Settled

An off duty police officer attempted to subdue a man in a parking lot with pepper spray after observing him in an argument with his wife. A few moments later, fellow officers arrived and beat the man with batons and repeatedly used Taser stun-guns to subdue him. After the beating and the use of the stun-gun, the man went limp and was pronounced dead.

The wrongful death of this man was reportedly due to heart failure caused by the many jolts with the stun-gun and the struggle with the police. This wrongful death case was settled for $70,000 and is the first case to be settled that has been linked to a police stun-gun death in San Jose.

We expect everyone to act responsibly, especially those committed to upholding the law. If you have lost a loved one due to the personal injuries sustained in an accident, medical malpractice, or a situation such as this beating, you are entitled to compensation. There are several factors that the courts consider when they determine the sum of compensation you will receive. These factors include:

  • The salary earned by the deceased
  • The mental anguish suffered from the loss of companionship
  • The amount of medical and funeral expenses incurred due to the loss
  • The level to which the remaining family members were financially dependent on the deceased

Losing a loved one is devastating and knowing what steps to take next is difficult. Please contact the Cochran Firm's Wrongful Death Lawyers at the San Jose, California office to schedule a confidential, no cost consultation.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:33 PM

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