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Monday, April 19, 2010

Defective Drugs in Los Angeles, California

Usually, prescription medications are miracles of modern science. Over the years, however, many drugs have harmed instead of helped those who were prescribed some medications although they were taken as directed by the pharmaceutical manufacturer.

Drugs for arthritis, for lowering cholesterol levels, diet drugs, anti-depressants, vaccines and oral contraceptives are only a few of the categories of prescription medications that have been responsible for injuries and deaths perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. Defective drugs have caused liver and kidney damage, heart damage, pulmonary dysfunction, stroke and heart attacks.

The law cannot turn back the clock and undo the harm that was done, but the law can help victims of defective drugs and their families recover damages to help cover the financial costs incurred as a result of their injuries.

The defective drug attorneys at The Cochran Firm have many years experience in product liability litigation and a well-deserved reputation for the successful litigation and negotiation of claims against drug manufacturers because our top priority is the welfare of our clients.

If you live in the Los Angeles, California area and you or someone you love has been the victim of a defective drug, please contact the defective drug attorneys at The Cochran Firm today to schedule an evaluation and investigation of the facts of your case so you can obtain the financial compensation you deserve.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 9:23 AM

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