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Monday, April 19, 2010

What Will You Do if a Pet Attacks?

Most of us love pets, our own and those of friends and neighbors. But sometimes even the most affectionate pet can turn vicious suddenly and inflict major medical damage.

A Mississippi woman visiting a friend this month experienced the terror of being attacked by his pit bull. In a 30-second attack, the dog caused severe injuries to Tanya Barnes, who was rushed to a clinic by ambulance.

“She is extremely fortunate to be alive,” said plastic surgeon Rick Pecunia of Hattiesburg Clinic. “The nature of this type of injury is such that a couple of centimeters … either way could make the story a lot different.”

Pecunia added that Barnes has already been through two surgeries and might have to undergo several more. The offending pit bull, meanwhile, is being held by the local sheriff’s department.

When pets turn vicious, anyone nearby can suffer severe personal injuries. Time spent in a hospital can cause lost wages. And in addition to medical issues, the injured may also suffer general damages such as pain, anguish, and emotional distress.

Few people ever expect to be attacked by a pet, much less think about what to do if they are. If such a tragedy happens to you or to a family member, you probably can benefit from talking with attorneys who are knowledgeable in the personal injury field. At The Cochran Firm, with offices nationwide, our attorneys will be pleased to use their experience for your benefit. Please contact us for a free consultation.


posted by Richard at 11:06 AM

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