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Friday, May 29, 2009

Defective Consumer Products-Tuskegee, Alabama

When a consumer product is defective and causes an injury or a death, the manufacturer or distributor can be held liable for damages.

Some of the most common instances of defective consumer product injuries and deaths recently have involved automobiles, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and tires. However, there are defective consumer products in many other areas. There are dangerous and defective toys, seat belts, appliances, power tools and products we use every day in our daily lives.

The injuries sustained with these defective consumer products range from minor bruises to life-threatening injuries and even death. You can be compensated for medical expenses, loss of wages, loss of future earning potential, pain and suffering and any other losses you incurred as a result of your injuries due to the use of the defective consumer product. In the case of a death, the survivors may be entitled to compensation also.

Defective consumer product liability law is very complex and it is very important that you consult an experienced attorney to ensure your claim will be handled competently and quickly.

If you live in Tuskegee, Alabama or the surrounding area and you have suffered an injury due to a defective consumer product, you should contact the Tuskegee, Alabama office of The Cochran Firm today to schedule a confidential consultation at no cost to you to learn about your legal rights.


posted by Benjamin A. Irwin at 12:35 PM

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